Tuesday 17 November 2009

Telling the Time

Play this game to practise telling the time.

Have fun!

Pizza fractions

Revise your fractions with this fun pizza game!

Remember to read the instructions carefully.

Punctuation Revision

See if you can put all the punctuation and capital letters in the right place in these sentences. Table points for each correct sentence.

1. i love playing cricket said qasam

2. joshua went to a wrestling match last weekend

3. i want to go outside said hannah but it is raining

4. samuel said i really like playing the violin

5. miss spiers said your answers are all correct lauren

6. ryan went to a football match on wednesday

7. can i have something to eat asked the boy because i am very hungry

Place Value Revision

Try using this game to revise place value.
Post a comment about how you get on.

Thursday 12 November 2009


Today we made fifteens in class and then wrote down the instructions.

Can you remember how we made them?

One house point for anyone who posts the correct instructions (in the right order!) as a comment!

Wednesday 11 November 2009


What would you like to see on our blog?

Post your ideas here!

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day. Post answers to the following questions and get some Table Points.

1. What do we remember on this day?

2. Why is Remembrance day on 11th November every year?

3. Why is it sometimes known as Armistice Day?

4. Why is it especially important this year that we remember those who fought in World War One?

Here is a link to the website that Mr Shields mentioned in assembly:

'ue' sound

This week we have been thinking about the 'ue' sound. Post your phonics paragraphs here!

Drew’s Unusual Uniform

Drew was in Saint Andrew’s regimental musical band. His unit took part in many regimental marches through the town.

The day of his next march was a beautiful sunny day. Drew slept in. He was due at the barracks at 10.00am and it was already a quarter to. He threw on his uniform without thinking and continued out the door.

He quickly joined his crew on their march and began blowing his tuba. Half way through the march he noticed everyone was looking at him in an unusual way. Then he realised his buttons were askew, his shirt, that was supposed to be white, was blue and on his feet he had only one shoe. ‘What an unusual uniform!’ laughed Drew and everyone had to agree.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Japan in the news

Visit the links below to read an interesting news article about Japan. Let me know what you think of the article. What is the most interesting fact that you have learned by reading it?

More Fraction Games!

Loads of fractions games for you to play

School in Japan

What is it like for someone your age going to school in Japan? Is it the same as going to school here or is it different? Find out more about schools in Japan and make a list of things that are the same as here and a list of things that are different.

1HP for any interesting facts published. Click on the link below to start your research

Thursday 5 November 2009

Wednesday 4 November 2009

More word problems!

We have been doing lots of word problems in class this week to revise our additon, subtraction, multiplication and division. Can you make up a word problem of your own for the rest of the class to solve? One table point for every problem posted!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Japan - What I want to know

Post any questions you want answered about Japan.
What would you like to find out?

Maybe you want to know about the language, the people, the history, the cities, the food, the clothes......

Write the question and maybe someone will answer it for you

Royston the Noisy Snake!

This week our spelling use the oy sound. Post your scaffold text as a response to this one. Remember that I'm also looking for lots of adverbs this week!

Royston was, by all accounts, a very noisy snake. His friends would say, ‘The idea of being a snake is so you can hoist yourself up into a tree and silently coil yourself round a branch and then drop down on your prey without them even knowing you are there.’ Alas poor Royston couldn’t stay quiet for long enough to do this.

One day his friends took him aside and explained he had choices to make. Either he was going to be the annoying, poisonous, noiseless, destroyer that he was meant to be or they would employ sterner measures to get him to conform.

Needless to say sterner measures could not be avoided. Royston’s friends sent him on a voyage of discovery. His most loyal friend, Lloyd went with him and introduced him to the android on the hill, who, happened to have an ointment for noisiness. A couple of applications later Royston was less noisy and actually started to enjoy slithering around, silently creeping and coiling up on his prey as a snake should do.

Word Problems......

Here are a few word problems for you to practise with. Make sure you read them carefully before you decide if you have to add, subtract, multiply or divide.

2 points for everyone who tries them all.
3 points for everyone who gets them all right!

1. Tennis balls come in packs of four. Alisha bought 6 packs.How many tennis balls have we got?

2. Joanna's cake recipe says she needs to use three eggs. She has to make a cake three times bigger than the one in the recipe. How many eggs will she need to buy?

3. It takes Shania-Lee 30 seconds to swim 1 length of the pool. How long will it take her to swim 6 lengths?

4. It costs 80p for a child to swim. How much does it cost for our class of 19 to swim?

5. Joshua has 230 sweets. He wants to share them out equally between himself and his 9 friends. How many sweets will they get each?

6. Samuel sells his old PS2 games for £10 each. He has 23 games. How much money will he make?

7. Laura saves 13p and is given another 42p. How much has she got altogether?

8. Cathy had 76p. She bought an ice cream for 35p. How much has she got left?