Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Jokes!

Visit this site for some Christmas jokes.

Post your favourite joke as a comment!

Advent Calendar

Visit this online Advent Calendar to find out more about Christmas around the World. Table Points for any interesting facts posted as comments!


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Japanese Carp Kites

In Japan families celebrate Tango no Sekku.
Large carp kites, called koinobori, are displayed outside houses. On the link below you will be able to listen to a traditional song for Tango no Sekku called the Koinoburi Song.

We will be designing our own carp kites so do some research and find out more about them.
Try to find answers to questions like:
What is a carp?
When does this celebration take place?
What houses display carp kites?
What does the carp symbolise?
Post what you find out in a comment and if someone
thinks that your post is helpful you will get Table Points.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Telling the Time

Play this game to practise telling the time.

Have fun!

Pizza fractions

Revise your fractions with this fun pizza game!

Remember to read the instructions carefully.

Punctuation Revision

See if you can put all the punctuation and capital letters in the right place in these sentences. Table points for each correct sentence.

1. i love playing cricket said qasam

2. joshua went to a wrestling match last weekend

3. i want to go outside said hannah but it is raining

4. samuel said i really like playing the violin

5. miss spiers said your answers are all correct lauren

6. ryan went to a football match on wednesday

7. can i have something to eat asked the boy because i am very hungry

Place Value Revision

Try using this game to revise place value.
Post a comment about how you get on.

Thursday 12 November 2009


Today we made fifteens in class and then wrote down the instructions.

Can you remember how we made them?

One house point for anyone who posts the correct instructions (in the right order!) as a comment!

Wednesday 11 November 2009


What would you like to see on our blog?

Post your ideas here!

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day. Post answers to the following questions and get some Table Points.

1. What do we remember on this day?

2. Why is Remembrance day on 11th November every year?

3. Why is it sometimes known as Armistice Day?

4. Why is it especially important this year that we remember those who fought in World War One?

Here is a link to the website that Mr Shields mentioned in assembly:

'ue' sound

This week we have been thinking about the 'ue' sound. Post your phonics paragraphs here!

Drew’s Unusual Uniform

Drew was in Saint Andrew’s regimental musical band. His unit took part in many regimental marches through the town.

The day of his next march was a beautiful sunny day. Drew slept in. He was due at the barracks at 10.00am and it was already a quarter to. He threw on his uniform without thinking and continued out the door.

He quickly joined his crew on their march and began blowing his tuba. Half way through the march he noticed everyone was looking at him in an unusual way. Then he realised his buttons were askew, his shirt, that was supposed to be white, was blue and on his feet he had only one shoe. ‘What an unusual uniform!’ laughed Drew and everyone had to agree.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Japan in the news

Visit the links below to read an interesting news article about Japan. Let me know what you think of the article. What is the most interesting fact that you have learned by reading it?

More Fraction Games!

Loads of fractions games for you to play

School in Japan

What is it like for someone your age going to school in Japan? Is it the same as going to school here or is it different? Find out more about schools in Japan and make a list of things that are the same as here and a list of things that are different.

1HP for any interesting facts published. Click on the link below to start your research

Thursday 5 November 2009

Wednesday 4 November 2009

More word problems!

We have been doing lots of word problems in class this week to revise our additon, subtraction, multiplication and division. Can you make up a word problem of your own for the rest of the class to solve? One table point for every problem posted!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Japan - What I want to know

Post any questions you want answered about Japan.
What would you like to find out?

Maybe you want to know about the language, the people, the history, the cities, the food, the clothes......

Write the question and maybe someone will answer it for you

Royston the Noisy Snake!

This week our spelling use the oy sound. Post your scaffold text as a response to this one. Remember that I'm also looking for lots of adverbs this week!

Royston was, by all accounts, a very noisy snake. His friends would say, ‘The idea of being a snake is so you can hoist yourself up into a tree and silently coil yourself round a branch and then drop down on your prey without them even knowing you are there.’ Alas poor Royston couldn’t stay quiet for long enough to do this.

One day his friends took him aside and explained he had choices to make. Either he was going to be the annoying, poisonous, noiseless, destroyer that he was meant to be or they would employ sterner measures to get him to conform.

Needless to say sterner measures could not be avoided. Royston’s friends sent him on a voyage of discovery. His most loyal friend, Lloyd went with him and introduced him to the android on the hill, who, happened to have an ointment for noisiness. A couple of applications later Royston was less noisy and actually started to enjoy slithering around, silently creeping and coiling up on his prey as a snake should do.

Word Problems......

Here are a few word problems for you to practise with. Make sure you read them carefully before you decide if you have to add, subtract, multiply or divide.

2 points for everyone who tries them all.
3 points for everyone who gets them all right!

1. Tennis balls come in packs of four. Alisha bought 6 packs.How many tennis balls have we got?

2. Joanna's cake recipe says she needs to use three eggs. She has to make a cake three times bigger than the one in the recipe. How many eggs will she need to buy?

3. It takes Shania-Lee 30 seconds to swim 1 length of the pool. How long will it take her to swim 6 lengths?

4. It costs 80p for a child to swim. How much does it cost for our class of 19 to swim?

5. Joshua has 230 sweets. He wants to share them out equally between himself and his 9 friends. How many sweets will they get each?

6. Samuel sells his old PS2 games for £10 each. He has 23 games. How much money will he make?

7. Laura saves 13p and is given another 42p. How much has she got altogether?

8. Cathy had 76p. She bought an ice cream for 35p. How much has she got left?

Wednesday 28 October 2009


Today we were playing with the parachute in PE and we were learning to work as a team.

What do you enjoy about working as a team?

What do you find difficult about working as a team?

Division Racing!

Play this fun racing game to practice your division facts.

Leave a comment to let me know what you think of it!

An Autumn Riddle!

Walk on the living, they don't even mumble, step on the dead, they mutter and grumble.

What are they?

One House Point for the first correct post!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Favourite Jokes!

Do you have a favourite joke?

Post it here to make your friends laugh!

Saturday 24 October 2009

Some Weekend Riddles!

1. Everything Mr Red owns is red, he lives in a red bungalow and his chairs are red, his tables are red. His ceiling, walls and floor are all red. All of his clothes are red, his shoes are red, even his carpet, television and phone are red. What colour are his stairs?

2. I went on a trip last week. The traffic was moderate and the journey took two and a half hours. On the return journey, the traffic was similar, but I made it back in 150 minutes. How come?

3. Which of these is correct: Six and six IS eleven or six and six ARE eleven?

Wednesday 21 October 2009

'ie' sound

Post your paragraphs containing your 'ie' words here!

Lurgan Park

Today we went to Lurgan Park and we were involved in an outside broadcast for Radio Ulster.

Did you enjoy it?

What did you like best?

What did you learn?

Tables Tips and Tricks

Today we learnt a trick for learning two of our tables:

12 = 3 x 4

56 = 7x8

Can you spot the pattern?

Do you know any other tips and tricks to help you learn your tables?

Share them here as a comment!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

How many ducks?

There are 2 ducks in front of 2 other ducks.

There are 2 ducks behind 2 other ducks.

There are 2 ducks beside 2 other ducks.
How many ducks are there?

Five table points for the first correct answer!

Monday 19 October 2009

Stop the Clock!

This week we are learning about time. This is a fun game to help you practise telling the time. Let me know what you think of it and what your highest score is!

Space Riddles!

Check out the link below (found by Mr Magowan!) and work out the space riddles. Let me know what you think and how many you get right first time.

5 table points for the first post with the answers in the right order

Space Games

Try playing these games while learning more about space. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4620000/newsid_4627600/4627687.stm

Thanks to Mr Magowan for finding these games!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

'oo' sound

In phonics this week we have been studying the 'oo' sound. Write a paragraph using as many 'oo' sound words as you can. Remember the 'oo' sound can be made in a number of ways and try to use as many different ways as you can. This week's word list and scaffold text will help you. Post your text as a comment.

5 table points for any paragraphs posted!

Our new words and phrases!

We learned some new words and phrases in class today. There will be five table points for anyone who can write a paragraph that includes them all. Post your paragraph here as a comment! The words and phrases are:


heading (another word for going)

vital (another word for important)

mounting (another word for increasing)

gave up the ghost

Friday 9 October 2009

Direct and Reported Speech

This week we have been learning about the differences between direct and reported speech.

Direct speech is when we write the words that are actually spoken by someone. We show this by putting speech marks ( " ") around the spoken words.

e.g. "Your answer is correct," said the teacher.

Reported speech is when we write about what a person says without using the exact words that were spoken. You don't need to use speech marks for reported speech.

e.g. The teacher told me that my answer was correct.

Can you change these sentences from direct speech into reported speech? There will be five table points for anyone who tries them all!

1. Miss Spiers said, "You have to go outside now."
2. The boy said, "I am hungry and I would like something to eat."
3. "Stop!" said Mr Gray.
4. The lady said, "I am going outside for a walk."
5. Mr Magowan said, "You have to put your coat on if you are going outside."

Wednesday 7 October 2009

'ay' phonics homework

This week we are going to do our texts a little differently. This week, as well as including your spellings in the paragraph, I would like you to use as many synonyms for 'said' as you can and I would like you to use speech marks at least once.
There is a house point for everyone who posts their paragraph here on the blog!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Punctuation Practice

Mr Magowan found this great game! Choose a punctuation mark and then use the hose to splat it into the correct
space in the sentence.It's good fun, enjoy.

Phonics Challenge

In class we have been learning about words that have the 'ay' sound. What is the longest 'ay' word that you can find? Remember that the 'ay' sound can be written in lots of different ways!

There will be a house point for the longest word.....but it has to be a real word! :)

Monday 5 October 2009

Riddle Poem!

The first of you comes last of all

And the last of all is first.

The last of you is second too

And the third of second is third.

The first of key is second to last

And so is the last of unlock.

Solve this puzzle and you'll see

How fortunate a word can be!
One House Point for the first correct post. Clue: It's a word!! :)


This great riddle is from Mr Gray's class blog. It's a tricky one!

Fred owns a pet store.
He puts one canary per cage, but has one bird too many.
If he puts two canaries in each cage, he has one cage too many.
How many cages and canaries does he have?

World Cup Maths

Practise your mental maths skills with this football game!

Friday 2 October 2009

Jungle Jim!

Here's another fun game to help you practise those important table facts! Have fun!

Thursday 1 October 2009

Coordinates Fun!

We have been learning about coordinates over the past few weeks. This is one of the games we played in class. Have a go at home and let me know how you get on!


Wednesday 30 September 2009

Mr Rudolph Reindeer

Our Scaffold Text this week uses the 'ee' soundThis can be made in many ways - ee, ey, y, ea, i, ie, ei and e.Write your own text and post as a comment

My neighbour has a silly surname. He is called Mr Rudolph Reindeer. Mr Reindeer has no patience and often complains about the silliest things – mum’s apron isn’t straight, there aren’t enough raisins in his birthday cake, the trailer’s wheels are on the pavement, the cafĂ© doesn’t open late. When he gets angry he makes such strange faces and his veins pop out on his forehead.Yesterday was Monday, the first day of the school holidays. It rained so hard that Mr Reindeer’s children could not go out to play. The children waited to see if the rain would stop and were dismayed to find they had to remain indoors. As they played they created mayhem. Mr Reindeer can’t wait until the holidays are over and peace reigns once again.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

4x tables fun

Use this game to help you practise your 4x tables. Choose 4x tables and then play as many levels as you can - easy, medium and hard! Let me know how you get on!

Monday 28 September 2009

Role Models

Who is your role model and why? Who do you look up to and hope to be like someday? Maybe someone on TV or film- a superhero like batman, an actor, someone in sport or a singer? Maybe you wish you could be like someone in school, church or at home? If you have a role model and would like to share your ideas post a comment. Don't forget to say why.

Wade's Workout

Click on the link below to play a fun multiplication game.

Post a comment to let me know what you think of the game!

Another Riddle...........

What letter is next in this sequence?
O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, __

House Point for the first correct answer....but you have to be able to explain it! :)